Customer story

Tekes Green Mining

Customer story in numbers


Million € total volume




Total partners

Development of mining cluster innovation infrastructure to make Finland the global leader of the sustainable mining industry by 2020

A goal for Tekes Green Mining program was to strengthen the Finnish mineral cluster in terms of fostering eco-efficient mining technology and socially and environmentally accepted mining. The attempt was to also facilitate exports of mining technologies and services and boost international collaboration.

How we reached the goals

Spinverse was in charge of the promotion of international cooperation as well as networking and bridging between public and private actors. We also took care of networking of mining technology and service companies in the Nordics and facilitation of growth

Key takeaways

Recognition of R&D focus areas in fostering the technology and service export and acquiring a large network of public and private actors, stronger international cooperation.

Managing modernisation partnership program in Russia aiming to foster the Nordic-Russian mining industry cooperation as well as gaining water management improvements.

Contact Us

Do you want to find out how Spinverse could help you? Contact us today!

Markku Heino

Principal Consultant, Ecosystem Leader, D.Sc. (Tech.)

+358 40 719 1221

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