Customer story
Sohjoa Baltic
Customer story in numbers
Million € budget
Funding instrument
Interreg Baltic Sea Region programme
Lack of city wide coverage by public transport system increases the commuters dependency on cars. This leads to traffic jams, road accidents and air pollution.
Currently public transport is not able to offer a competitive option to private cars for flexible, on-demand type of operation. Specifically the gap in the last mile connectivity becomes a major barrier to use public transport.
How we reached the goals
Spinverse helped in writing the proposal’s political and economic impact. We consulted with the application procedure and actively worked to improve the overall quality of the project proposal.
Consortium has partners from Finland, Estonia, Sweden, Latvia, Germany, Poland, Norway and Denmark with area and public transportation planning expertise as well as legal expertise combined with strong technical understanding which are the requirements for enabling autonomous traffic.
Key takeaways
To promote the usage of urban public transportation including automated driverless electric minibuses. Study the legal, regulatory, practical and technical frameworks in detail and test in practice to create true cross border collaboration and transnational value. Implement the full potential of Autonomous Transport into the public transport system through pilots and demo days.
Photo credit: Sohjoa Baltic