Customer story
Nanocapsules in cosmetics
Customer story in numbers
Million € funding
Funding instrument
Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Action
PeptiCaps aims at producing and validating a new family of nanocapsules that can efficiently deliver specific active ingredients to the skin and release the ingredients locally according to the local skin environment.
Commercial nanomaterials used in cosmetics may have safety issues (e.g. Titanium Oxide). In PeptiCaps, the nanomaterials is based on specific polymer (diblock copolymer) that needs specific emulsification methods in order to produce safe cosmetic products.
How we reached the goals
Spinverse assists Cidetec, an RK4 Research Alliance technology center in Spain, in the proposal preparation by writing the IMPACT section. We participates in the project by assessing economical viability, designing a business plan for commercial exploitation of the project results.
Key takeaways
Two manufacturing processes will be evaluated for the production of the nanocapsules. Formulation and production will follow the EU Cosmetic regulation to get the validation of the nanocapsules as a cosmetic product.

Photo credit: Linda Prebreza
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