Customer story
Customer story in numbers
Million € funding
Funding instrument
Horizon 2020 SME instrument phase 2
Unique properties of new nanocellulose composite for automotive applications – EU funding coaching and application review for our client Elastopoli
Elastopoli's target was the scale-up and market replication of AquaComp, unique renewable composite material, to the automotive industry to replace the existing non-renewable polymer composites currently used in the industry.
How we reached the goals
Spinverse assisted in defining a work plan, resources and related budgets according to EU rules. We supported Elastopoli in the project preparation, formulating the application from the information provided by Elastopoli and reviewing the content, and assisted in formulating the project idea and tailored the proposal to fit with the call.
Key takeaways
The project aims to perform market replication of AquaComp, composite material already validated in the musical instruments market into the automotive industry.
The potential market size when replacing 10 % of currently used mineral and glass-filled composites is 2 megatons in year 2025, resulting in 1.2 B€ of turnover and 6,000 new jobs throughout the value chain.
Read also our blog about Elastopoli
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