Miguel Lopes
Director and Team Leader for Energy, M.Sc, Ph.D.
+358 50 401 0015Miguel works as a Director and Team leader of Energy team at Spinverse with expertise in renewable energy and ocean engineering.
Before joining Spinverse, Miguel has worked for Finnish wave energy developer Wello, led the Monitoring and Technology Department at WavEC Offshore Renewables and was on the board of its spin-off Pro-Drone. He has 13 years in the areas of wave energy, offshore wind, floating solar and underwater technology. Most of his career has been around making the bridge between R&D and the industry, working in R&D projects involving companies and product development.
Miguel has a M.Sc in Civil Engineering (Construction) and a Ph.D in Mechanical Engineering (Ocean Wave Energy) at Instituto Superior Técnico (Portugal). In his spare time, he enjoys discovering Finland with his family and reading books on political economy.